December 2005
Field Crops 28.33-38

UW Organic Corn Hybrid/Variety Trial Results – 2005

J. G. Lauer, J. Posner, K.D. Kohn, P.J. Flannery and J. Hedtcke

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In 2005, the UW Corn Agronomy program conducted an organic hybrid/variety trial for corn to give producers information on performance and characteristics of corn in a certified organic production system. The trials were conducted using approved organic production practices at two sites certified for organic production. Seed used for the trials was either produced organically or was untreated. Organic production is defined as "a production system that is managed, in accordance with the Organic Food Production Act and Regulations (October 2002), to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity." The organic system is "a plan of management of an organic production operation that has been agreed to by the producer and the certifying agent and includes written plans concerning all aspects of agricultural production or handling described in the act and the regulations."

Materials and Methods

Site: Arlington Research Station
Cooperator: Dwight Mueller
Experimental design: RCB, 4 reps
Plot size: 10' x 22'
Soil: Plano silt loam, pH:6.8,  OM:3.9,  P:55 ppm,  K:107 ppm
Previous Crop: Alfalfa
Tillage:  Fall Chisel Plow, Field Cultivator (3x)
Planting Date:  5/17/05
Row spacing:  30 inches
Seeding depth: 1.5 inches
Rotary Hoe: (5/24/05), Tine Weed (2x): (6/2/05, 6/5/05) 
Cultivation (3x):  6/9/05, 6/20/05, 6/27/05
Harvest date: 10/20/05
Harvested plot size: 5' x 22'
Harvest Population: 28017 plants/Acre
Site: Michael Fields Institute
Cooperator: John Hall
Experimental design: RCB, 4 reps
Plot size: 10' x 22'
oil: Warsaw silt loam, pH:5.7,  OM:2.5,  P:94 ppm,  K:114 ppm
Previous Crop: Wheat Manure: 18 ton dairy (5.4-9.0-14.9)
Tillage:  Spring Chisel Plow, Field Cultivator (2x)
Planting Date:  5/17/05
Row spacing:  30 inches
Seeding depth: 1.5 inches
Rotary Hoe, Tine Weed,
Cultivation (2x)
Harvest date: 10/20/05
Harvested plot size: 5' x 22'
Harvest Population: 25027 plants/Acre

Table 1. Seed Companies with hybrids in the 2005 UW Organic Corn Hybrid/Variety Trials.
Brand Company Address City State Zip Phone
Brown Brown Seed, Inc. N1279 530th Street, P.O. Box 7 Bay City WI 54723 888-712-7696
Brunner Brunner Seed Farm W3850 U.S. Hwy 10 Durand WI 54736 800-298-5373
Cornelius Cornelius 14760 317th Avenue Bellevue IL 52031 800-218-1862
Foundation Seeds Foundation Direct Seed 634 13th Avenue Onalaska WI 54650 608-781-4076
NC+ NC+ Organics 207 18th Street North Grand Junction IA 50107 800-370-7979
Prairie Hybrids Prairie Hybrid Seeds 27445 Hurd Road Deer Grove IL 61243 800-368-0124
Viking Albert Lea Seed House 1414 W. Main, P.O.Box 127 Albert Lea MN 56007 800-352-5247


Table 2. Performance of corn hybrids grown in organically certified production fields - 2005.
                Test   **Grower Return Location
Brand Hybrid RM Yield   P.I.   Moisture Weight Lodging 1.87/bu 4.00/bu ARL   MFS  
      bu/A   #   % lbs/bu % $/A $/A bu/A   bu/A  
Brunner OR8702 87 163   98   16.1 58 3 265 613 174   153  
Prairie Hybrids 0371 92 177   101   16.5 60 4 286 663 183   171 *
NC+ 26K21 88 150   94   16.6 60 1 243 563 154   147  
NC+ 42A32 98 179   102 * 16.6 58 2 288 669 188   170 *
Brunner OR9004 90 168   99   17.0 60 2 269 626 182   154  
Viking O.7292 96 166   98   17.8 58 5 264 617 173   159  
Foundation Seeds 8800-O 95 185 * 103 * 18.2 58 3 292 685 200 * 169 *
Prairie Hybrids 1673 102 201 * 107 * 19.3 56 4 313 741 218 * 184 *
Cornelius ORG494 108 189 * 103 * 19.8 55 3 292 694 219 * 159  
Check Weeded 103 194 * 104 * 20.0 58 2 299 711 222 * 165  
Brunner OR1053 105 194 * 104 * 20.1 55 5 300 713 208 * 180 *
Cornelius ORG35 102 203 * 107 * 20.4 56 4 313 745 219 * 187 *
Check UTC 103 200 * 106 * 20.4 58 2 308 734 217 * 183 *
Brunner OR1004 100 198 * 106 * 20.5 56 3 305 728 209 * 187 *
Viking O.5305 103 196 * 105 * 20.9 57 3 301 719 210 * 183 *
Cornelius ORG65 112 162   94   23.5 56 3 240 584 166   157  
Brown EX16905 108 100   69   26.9 51 41 140 352 114   86  
Mean     178   100   19.4 57 5 277 656 192   164  
LSD(0.10)*     18   5   2.5 1 7 27 65 26   18  
#   P.I. = Performance Index, evaluates hybrids by combining yield, moisture, and lodged % at a 50(yield) : 35(moisture) : 15(lodged) ratio.
*  Hybrids that performed statistically similar to the highest hybrid in the trial.
  ** Grower return = (Yield x Price) – Costs   Costs include:
- Handling ($0.02 per bushel)
- Hauling ($0.04 per bushel)
- Trucking ($0.11 per bushel for 100 miles)
- Drying (on-farm rate = $0.02 per bushel-point > 15.5%)
- Storage (on-farm rate = $0.02 per 30 day)   Marketing plan: 50% sold at harvest, 25% at 4 months, and 25% at 8 months.

Price = $4.00 = Minimum-Maximum prices reported by elevators  was $3.75-$6.50 per bushel (personal communication, John Hall, Michael Fields Institute)   Price = $1.87 = Weighted Price per bushel =    50% Mid-November Average Cash price
+ 25% March CBOT Futures ($0.15 basis)
+ 25% July CBOT Futures ($0.10 basis)   Mid-November Average Cash price derived from WI Ag Statistics; CBOT Futures prices derived from closing price on first business day in December.

For more information on organic corn production see:
UW Corn Agronomy Program:
National Organic Program, USDA:

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