Another Corn Production Season in the Books

January 24, 2002   9(1):3-4

Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist

The 2001 corn production season is in the books. Both grain and silage yields were above normal in southern Wisconsin. In northern Wisconsin, variable grain and silage yields were encountered. Dry conditions during April allowed corn planting to progress faster than the five-year average until early May. Planting progress slowed in May with much of northern Wisconsin corn acreage delayed significantly. Cool, wet conditions during most of May and early June slowed corn development. Dry, hot weather during pollination lowered yields with drought conditions existing in northeastern Wisconsin. Favorable rainfall patterns occurred during late August and September and helped some late planted fields. Growing degree unit accumulation was normal throughout the entire growing season. Corn silage harvest started slightly later than normal. A killing frost did not occur until mid-October. Excellent plant standability was observed in most trials. During the fall harvest season, yields were generally good to excellent, and moisture was low decreasing drying costs and somewhat offsetting low corn prices for many farmers.

The UW Corn Performance Hybrid Trials usually are a good reflection of what farmers encountered when producing corn in Wisconsin. Table 1 gives a summary of corn performance for grain and Table 2 reports corn silage performance. For example in Table 1, a total of 1809 corn hybrids have been tested at Arlington between 1991 and 2000 and have produced an average of 194 bu/A. In 2001, a total of 170 hybrids were tested at Arlington and the average yield of these hybrids was 220 bu/A. The production year of 2001 was 13% better than the 10-year average. Significant drought occurred at the Valders location, while flooding during May and June delayed planting and affected corn yields at Marshfield and Fond du Lac.

Table 1. 2001 Wisconsin Corn Performance Trials - Grain Summary
  1991-2000   2001 Percent
Location N Yield (bu/A)   N Yield (bu/A) Change
Arlington 1809 194   170 220 + 13
Janesville 1809 184   170 219 + 19
Lancaster 1809 177   170 185 + 5
Fond du Lac 1592 169   155 156 - 5
Galesville 1592 160   155 206 + 29
Hancock 1591 181   155 214 + 13
Chippewa Falls 1472 149   145 153 + 3
Marshfield 1062 149   137 147 - 1
Seymour 972 150   145 152 + 1
Valders 1472 152   145 75 - 51
Ashland 161 129   16 143 +11
Spooner 1887 127   159 150 +18
White Lake 630 94   53 100 + 6
Note: Seymour average includes New London 1991-1992.


Table 2. 2001 Wisconsin Corn Performance Trials - Silage Summary
  1991-2000   2001 Percent
Location N Yield (T/A)   N Yield (T/A) Change
Arlington 463 9.5   75 10.5 + 11
Lancaster 386 7.8   75 8.0 + 3
Fond du Lac 352 8.6   68 8.2 - 5
Galesville 352 8.3   68 9.6 + 16
Marshfield 428 6.8   55 7.3 + 7
Valders 387 6.7   57 4.1 - 39
Ashland 125 6.8   16 7.3 + 7

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