2000 Winter Wheat Variety Results

August 3, 2000 7(20):122-124

Joe Lauer, Extension Agronomist
Mark Martinka, Research Program Manager
John Gaska, Outreach Specialist

Winter wheat yields were poor to good throughout Wisconsin this year. Growers have reported yields in excess of 80 bu/acre in some areas of the state and excellent test weights. Excessive moisture and disease pressure in other parts of the state contributed to limited yields and test weights. Straw yields have been excellent and have produced good returns for most growers.

The 2000 performance trials included public varieties, experimental and commercial entries. Trials were conducted at Arlington, Janesville, Racine and Chilton. In Chilton this year a severe hail storm in early May decimated the crop and the field had to be abandoned. As noted in the Janesville table excessive moisture contributed to poor yield and test weight and care should be used in interpreting results.

Table 1 summarizes the yield and rank of the public and commercial entries. Additional performance information on plant height, lodging, test weight, and two-year yield is shown in Table 2 .

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