Announcing the 2002 PEPS Contest

March 28, 2002 9(4):26

Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist

With this issue of the Wisconsin Crop Manager we are announcing the 2002 PEPS Contest sponsored by the Wisconsin Corn Growers Association, Wisconsin Soybean Association, Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board and the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board. Please find the 2002 PEPS Entry Form Brochure in this issue.

The PEPS program was initiated in 1987 with guidelines approved by a "PEPS Committee", consisting of county extension agents, state specialists, grain crop producers, the USDA Soil Conservation Service, and Agricultural industry representatives. The contest is one of the oldest of its kind in the U.S.

The intent of the program, in addition to the objectives listed in the enclosed brochure, is to:

  • Obtain baseline data on the production systems utilized by Wisconsin crop producers in order to better assess adoption of recommended practices.
  • Foster an interdisciplinary crop systems approach to improve competitive ability, efficiency, productivity and profitability of Wisconsin grain producers.
  • Motivate farmers to adopt cropping technology that is new, appropriate and environmentally sound to their particular geographic area.

For more information contact Colleen at 262-7702 or see the PEPS website at 

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