What Do We Know About Crop Rotations?
May 30, 2002 9(11):84-85
Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist
To begin to answer this question, let me first state that agronomists do not know
the mechanism of the rotation effect. It remains a mystery. Farmers have long observed
it and used it for managing crops, but we do not know what causes it. The purpose
of this article is to provide a timeline regarding changes in thinking about the
crop rotation effect.
Simply stated the rotation effect is the additional benefit of rotating crops when
all production variables appear to be optimum, or when problems associated with
monoculture are not apparent. The rotation effect was originally defined as the
effect of all contributions, other than N, supplied by legumes in a rotation (Baldock
et al., 1981). However, it is also recognized that other non-legume crops can provide
benefits as well (Robinson, 1966; Crookston and Kurle, 1988).
Varro in the first century B.C. recognized that the rotation effect improved crop
production (as cited by Baldock et al., 1981). Prior to the 1950s, farmers recognized
the importance of rotation because there were few options for fertility and pest
management. Between the 1950s and 1960s, the practice of corn and soybean monoculture
became popular. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides were thought to be able to substitute
for rotation. The attitude seemed to be "Continuous corn yields just as well,
if not better than rotated corn" (Benson, 1985). The rotation effect was thought
to be primarily N related.
In the 1970s, it became apparent that all rotation effects could not be overcome.
Allelopathic effects from weed species were found to influence corn and soybean
growth (Bhowmik and Doll, 1984). Research attempts were made to separate N effects
and non-N effects (Baldock et al., 1981).
During the 1980s, the main question was: "What does crop rotation do in the
system?" Researchers reported improvement of soil moisture (Roder et al., 1989),
improvement of soil structure (Dick and Van Doren, 1985; Griffith et al., 1988),
increases of beneficial soil microbes (Cook, 1984), decreases of pests (Cook, 1984;
Dabney et al., 1988; Edwards et al., 1988), and decreases of phytotoxic compounds
or growth promoting substances originating from crop residues (Yakle and Cruse,
During the 1990s, many experiments were designed to eliminate factors. Above-ground
residue was found to have no rotation effect (Crookston and Kurle, 1989). Host-specific
pathogens could not account for the rotation effect (Whiting and Crookston, 1993).
Some root development differences were observed (Nickel et al., 1995). Grain nutrient
composition was found to be unaffected by rotation (Copeland and Crookston, 1992).
Many studies provided management recommendations and the rotation effect was better
quantified (Meese et al., 1991; Porter et al., 1997; Porter et al., 1998; Adee et
al., 1994; Porter et al., 1997; Lund et al., 1993).
Which brings us to the current state of knowledge regarding rotation effects. Probably
the biggest change in thinking is recognition that the crop rotation effect on yield
partially involves soil microbes and is specific to a location (Porter et
al., 2001). The rotation effect may not be due to one mechanism; rather numerous
factors acting alone or in combination chip away at yield and vary in importance
from site to site within and between fields.
Many rotation studies begun in the 1980s are maturing and currently have the ability
to generate long-term, longitudinal cropping sequence results. Next week some specific
examples of new insights gained from these long-term rotation experiments.
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