Tracking Corn Growth and Development: Warm weather finally arrives
June 19, 2003 10(14):106-107
Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist
Finally a few days with average temperatures at Arlington, WI! On June 18, the first
five planting dates, from April 15 to June 5, were 130 to 40 GDUs behind average
accumulation. Since 1963, an April 15 and May 3 planting date would accumulate by
June 18, an average of 704 and 591 GDUs with a standard deviation of
+ 99 and 80 GDUs. The GDU accumulation to June 18 for the April 15 and
May 3 planting dates during 2003 is 578 and 473 GDUs, significantly less than an
average year. Since 1963, only three years have been cooler: 1997 (501), 1983 (508),
and 1966 (561) for the period April 15 to June 18. For the period between May 3
and June 18, the coolest years were 1997 (431), 1974 (456), and 1983 (470). The
most GDUs accumulated between April 15 and June 18 occurred in 1977 (955), and for
May 3 to June 18 occurred in 1991 (772).
In this experiment, plants continue to achieve growth stages at appropriate model
GDU benchmarks. The VE stage tends to be achieved in later planting dates with slightly
fewer GDUs accumulated. The morning of June 18 had about 10% of the spikes emerged
for the June 13 planting date. The V6 stage was achieved by the April 15 planting
date on June 13 taking slightly more GDUs than the model benchmark. The earliest
planting dates are rapidly growing taller now and management options becoming fewer
as fields near lay-by.