Guidelines for Handling Cornfields with Poor Pollination
Joe Lauer, Corn Agronomist
Determining pollination success
The first step in handling drought stressed corn is to determine the success of
pollination. Two techniques are commonly used to assess pollination success or failure.
The most rapid technique to determine pollination success is the "shake test." Carefully
unwrap the ear husk leaves and then gently shake the ear. The silks from fertilized
ovules will drop off. The proportion (%) of silks dropping off the ear indicates
the proportion of future kernels on an ear. Randomly sample several ears in a field
to estimate the success of pollination.
The second technique is to wait until 10 days after fertilization of the ovules.
The developing ovules (kernels) will appear as watery blisters (the "blister"
R2 stage of kernel development).
If pollination is good, harvest in a normal fashion for either grain or forage
use. If pollination is poor yet some kernels are developing, the plant can
gain dry matter and farmers should wait with harvest. In Wisconsin, many farmers
have the option of harvesting poorly pollinated fields for silage use. If there
is no pollination, then the best quality forage will be as found as close
to flowering as possible. Quality decreases after flowering. The challenge is to
make sure that no potential pollination occurs and that the forage moisture is correct
for the storage structure.
Forage quality of normally pollinated corn
Corn has two peaks in forage quality: one at pollination and one at harvest maturity.
The early peak in forage quality at pollination is high in quality but too wet for
ensiling. The later peak is more familiar, and is the one we typically manage for
when producing corn silage.
Forage Quality of Poorly Pollinated Corn
Coors et al. (1997) evaluated the forage quality of corn with 0, 50 and 100% pollination
of the kernels on an ear during 1992 and 1993. These years were not considered "drought"
stress years, but they can give us an idea as to quality changes occurring due to
poor pollination. These plots were harvested in September.
A typical response of corn to stress is to reduce grain yield. Bareness reduced
whole-plant yield by 19% (Table 1). Kernels on ears of 50% ear fill treatments were
larger and tended to more than make up for reduced numbers (Albrecht, personal communication).
With the exception of protein, as ear fill increased, whole-plant forage quality
Table 1. Forage yield and quality of corn with differing amounts of pollination grown
at Madison in 1992 and 1993 (n= 24).
Ear fill
Forage yield
Crude protein
% of control
100 (control)
LSD (0.05)
A few management guidelines for handling cornfields with poor pollination:
Forage moisture
If the decision is made to harvest the crop for ensiling, the main consideration
will be proper moisture for storage and fermentation. The crop will look drier than
it really is, so moisture testing will be critical. Be sure to test whole-plant
moisture of chopped corn to assure yourself that acceptable fermentation will occur.
Use a forced air dryer (i.e. Koster), oven, microwave, electronic forage tester,
NIR, or the rapid "Grab-Test" method for your determination. With the
"Grab-Test" method (as described by Hicks, Minnesota), a handful of finely
cut plant material is squeezed as tightly as possible for 90 seconds. Release the
grip and note the condition of the ball of plant material in the hand.
- If juice runs freely or shows between the fingers, the crop contains 75 to 85% moisture.
- If the ball holds its shape and the hand is moist, the material contains 70 to 75%
- If the ball expands slowly and no dampness appears on the hand, the material contains
60 to 70% moisture.
- If the ball springs out in the opening hand, the crop contains less than 60% moisture.
The proper harvest moisture content depends upon the storage structure, but is the
same for drought stressed and normal corn. Harvesting should be done at the moisture
content that ensures good preservation and storage: 65-70% in horizontal silos (trenches,
bunkers, bags), 60-65% in upright stave silos, and 55-65% in upright oxygen limiting
Raising the bar
Depending upon farm forage needs, raising the cutter-bar on the silage chopper reduces
yield but increases quality. For example, raising cutting height reduced yield by
15%, but improved quality so that Milk per acre of corn silage was only reduced
3-4% ( Wisconsin). In addition the plant parts with highest nitrate concentrations
remain in the field (Table 2).
Table 2. Nitrate concentrationof corn plant parts.
Plant part
Upper 1/3 of stalk
Middle 1/3 of stalk
Lower 1/3 of stalk
Whole plant
Derived from Hicks, Minnesota
Nitrate problems
If drought-stressed corn is ensiled at the proper moisture content and other steps
are followed to provide good quality silage, nitrate testing should not be necessary.
The risk of nitrate poisoning increases as pollination becomes poorer. Nitrate problems
are often related to concentration (i.e. the greater the yield the less chance of
high nitrate concentration in the forage). If pollination is poor only about half
of the dry matter will be produced compared to normal corn forage.
It is prudent to follow precautions regarding dangers of nitrate toxicity to livestock
(especially with grazing and green-chopping) and silo-gasses to humans when dealing
with drought-stressed corn. Nitrates absorbed from the soil by plant roots are normally
incorporated into plant tissue as amino acids, proteins and other nitrogenous compounds.
Thus, the concentration of nitrate in the plant is usually low. The primary site
for converting nitrates to these products is in growing green leaves. Under unfavorable
growing conditions, especially drought, this conversion process is slowed, causing
nitrate to accumulate in the stalks, stems and other conductive tissue. The highest
concentration of nitrates is in the lower part of the stalk or stem. If moisture
conditions improve, the conversion process accelerates and within a few days nitrate
levels in the plant returns to normal. Nitrate concentration usually decreases during
silage fermentation by one-third to one-half, therefore sampling one or two weeks
after filling will be more accurate than sampling during filling. If the plants
contain nitrates, a brown cloud may develop around your silo. This cloud contains
highly toxic gases and people and livestock should stay out of the area. The resulting
energy value of drought-stressed corn silage is usually lower than good silage but
not as low as it appears based on grain content. The only way to know the actual
composition of drought-stressed corn silage is to have it tested by a good analysis
Marshfield Plant and Soil Analysis Laboratory
8396 Yellowstone Dr.
Marshfield>, WI 54449-8401
Phone: (715) 387-2523
Estimating yield
Growers need to carefully monitor, inspect and dissect plants in their own fields
as to plant survival potential, kernel stages, and plant moisture contents in determining
when to begin silage harvest. Fields and corn hybrids within fields vary greatly
in stress condition and maturity. Often questions arise as to the value of drought-stressed
corn. In order to estimate pre-harvest silage yields, the National Corn Handbook
publication "Utilizing Drought-Damaged Corn" describes methods based on
either corn grain yields or plant height (if little or no grain yield is expected).
Below is a summary of this publication.
Grain yield method for estimating silage yield: For moisture-stressed corn,
about 1 ton of silage per acre can be obtained for each 5 bushels of grain per acre.
For example, if you expect a grain yield of 50 bushels per acre, you will get about
10 tons/acre of 30% dry matter silage (3 tons/acre dry matter yield). For corn yielding
more than 100 bushels per acre, about 1 ton of silage per acre can be expected for
each 6 to 7 bushels of grain per acre. For example, corn yielding 125 bushels of
grain per acre, corn silage yields will be 18 to 20 tons per acre at 30% dry matter
(5 to 6 tons per acre dry matter yield). See also Table 2 in A1178 "Corn silage
for the dairy ration."
Plant height method for estimating silage yield: If little or no grain is
expected, a rough estimate of yield can be made assuming that 1 ton of 30% dry matter
silage can be obtained for each foot of plant height (excluding the tassel). For
example, corn at 3 to 4 feet will produce about 3 to 4 tons per acre of silage at
30% dry matter (about 1 ton per acre of dry matter).
Coors, J. G., Albrecht, K. A., and Bures, E. J. 1997. Ear-fill effects on yield and
quality of silage corn. Crop Science 37:243-247.
Utilizing Drought-Damaged Corn (NCH-58)
Weather Stress in the Corn Crop (NCH-18)
Growing Season Characteristics and Requirements in the Corn Belt (NCH-40)