Timeline of Wisconsin Ag Events

Originally written February 1, 2006 | Last updated February 23, 2014


UW Agronomy Department Highlights

Other World, Wisconsin and UW highlights influencing agriculture

8000 B.C.   People begin to grow crops and save the best seeds for next year.
1750 B.C.   Yeast is used to make wine, beer, and leavened bread. This is the first time people use microorganisms to create new and different foods.
1700s   Naturalists begin to identify many kinds of hybrid plants - the offspring of breeding between two varieties of plants.
1848   Start of the University of Wisconsin.
1861   Louis Pasteur develops his techniques, and defines the role of microorganisms - establishing the science of microbiology and the basis for pasteurized milk.
1862   Morrill Act signed by President Abraham Lincoln establishing the "land-grant" universities.
1863   Gregor Mendel, in his study of peas, discovers traits are transmitted from parents to progeny by discrete, independent units, later called genes. His observations laid the groundwork for the field of genetics.
1865   Milwaukee had 48 commercial breweries and 200 commercial breweries in the state.
1866 The university is designated as a land-grant institution.

Board of Regents purchase first University Farm.

1.3 million wheat acres harvested in Wisconsin.
1868 W.W. Daniels hired as the first Professor of Agriculture; he cleared land and planted corn and other crops.  
1873 First field-testing of small grain varieties and strains were begun.  
1875   First Agricultural Experiment Station created in the United States.
1877   One million corn acres harvested in WI
1878   Record wheat acreage harvested - 2.05 million acres in WI
1880 W.A. Henry hired to conduct meetings among farmers during the winter months and conduct summer agronomic research.  
1881   One million oat acres harvested in WI
1883 William Trelease named Professor of Botany and Horticulture. Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station authorized by Wisconsin Legislature. Prof. Henry becomes first director.
1884 First annual report of Wisconsin Agriculture Experiment Station indicates that several varieties of wheat, oats, barley had been tested. Wisconsin Legislature appropriates funds for Farmer Institutes - the forerunner in Wisconsin of the Cooperative Extension Service.
1885 William Trelease wrote a report on oats, potatoes and corn. First Farmer Institute held in Hudson, WI.
1886   Farm and Industry Short Course began
1887   U.S. Congress passes Hatch Act. This legislation promotes agricultural research by supporting an Agricultural Experiment Station in each state, associated in most instances with land grant universities.
1888 A total of 81 Farmer Institutes were held in Wisconsin drawing nearly 50,000 farmers.
1889   College of Agriculture (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) authorized by Wisconsin Legislature.

W.A. Henry the first Dean of the College of Agriculture reported studying numerous species of grasses and legumes, and crop losses due to weeds.

1891 Bulletin on Sugar Beet culture was written by Dean Henry and F.W. Wolf (Chemistry) Agricultural physicist F.H. King completed a study on how to preserve cattle feed in round, above-ground silos providing quality year-round feed for state dairy industry.
1894   Two million oat acres harvested.

Prof. King conducts quantitative study on wind erosion and preventative measures using tree shelter belts on central WI sandy soils.

1895 R.A. Moore hired by Dean Henry to reorganize short course.

J.A. Salzer Seed Company of La Crosse introduced "Silvermine" oat (also sometimes called "Nameless White Beauty"

1896 Oderbrucker barley procured.
1897   UW soil scientists conduct first study in U.S. measuring crop water requirements and need for irrigation in humid regions.
1898 First Small Grain Variety Evaluation trial grown by  R.A. Moore after observing the evaluation method used by prof. Hayes in Minnesota.   
1899 Testing of Swedish Select oat variety begun. Seed was obtained from USDA and known as No. 2778.  
1900 R.A. Moore appointed Assistant Agriculturist. He reported testing new varieties of grains, forage plants, etc.

Release of "Wisconsin Wonder" oat (Wisconsin Pedigree 1)

"State Pride" oat released (also known as Wisconsin Pedigree 7)
1901 Organization of the Wisconsin Experiment Association, now known as the Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association.R.A. Moore elected as Secretary-Treasurer by 187 Charter members of Students and Faculty.

R.A. Moore appointed first Professor of Agronomy.

1902 200 field variety and cultural trials were conducted by Wisconsin Experimental Association members with oats, alfalfa, potatoes, rape, soybeans, and oat seed treatment for smut control.

Swedish Select (Wisconsin no. 4) oat variety was distributed in 2.5 bushel lots to 41 members in 33 counties for testing and increase. The six pounds of seed received from Russia in 1899 was increased and sold by the Wisconsin Experiment Station.

Agriculture Hall built at a cost of $150,000.
1903 A.L. Stone appointed to test seed and investigate weed control.

R.A. Moore appointed first Chairman of the Agronomy Department.

On May 2, the Wisconsin Experiment Association was provided an annual appropriation of $1000 by the State Legislature to conduct field trials and the State Printer was to print 5,000 copies of the annual report. The reports are to be published at state expense and 1,000 copies to be cloth bound.  The purpose of the the Association was for "securing and testing new and improve varieties of seed and plants, securing and testing fertilizers, study the best methods of cultivation and feeding crops and in general advancing the agricultural interests of the state".

1904 Silver King (Wisconsin No. 8) corn cultivar released. Other early open pollinated varieties released around this time include Golden Glow (Wisconsin No. 12) and Wisconsin 25. 

First red clover strains tested at Ashland ARS.

Corn variety trials were conducted with 276 members of the Wisconsin Experiment Association.

Wisconsin's grain and forages samples exhibited at St. Louis World's Fair.

Boys and Girls corn growing project and exhibiting started in Richland County.

1905 Two Agronomy courses offered in University Catalogue.

Distribution of elite seed stocks of small grains was begun.

Clark's Yellow Dent (Wisconsin No. 1 was grown by 11 farmers).

First Experiment Association Crop Show held, $200 premium awarded.

Department of Soil Science established, the first such department in the U.S.
1906 Five hundred bushels of Oderbrucker (Wisconsin No. 5) barley was distributed in 2 bushel lots for members to test.

E.J. Delwiche employed in charge of three Superior area Experiment Stations

1907 First Agronomy building dedicated (now Ag Journalism). First field crop sprayer built in Wisconsin produced by Egan Equipment Co., LaCrosse, WI.

"Official Test of Dairy Cows" program was announced by Roy T. Harris. This was a milk production testing program for an individual cow. This eventually became the forerunner of DHIA.

1908 The Agronomy Department began research on hemp.

The first County Order was organized on March 28 in Fond du Lac County for the purpose of promoting and cooperating the Agronomy Department and the College in conducting experiments and growing and marketing seed grain.

"Pedigree 5" barley released. Pedigree 5, 6, and 5-1 were all selections from the German variety Oderbrucker

1909 R.A. Moore published Bulletin 79, The Eradication of Farm Weeds.

The State Legislature enacted a new seed law requiring proper labeling of agricultural seeds.

"Pedigree 6" barley released

Agronomy Department was designated to do the seed testing for the state.A. L. Stone was placed in charge of the Laboratory.

First UW Agricultural Research Station established at Spooner with a gift of 80 acres of land by local community.
1910 Field inspection of seed fields was started.

Experiment Association voted to request of the Legislature an addition to the Agronomy building, that the Dept. of Agronomy was in need of additional space. 

Thomas L. Bewick hired as an Assistant to R. A. Moore to assist with youth work.

The Genetics Department, known until 1918 as the Experimental Breeding Department, is the first such department in the U.S.
1911 Oat breeding work begun. First oat variety trials.

First practical oat hybrid cross by B.D. Leith called "White Cross."

The Alfalfa Order was Wisconsin's first alfalfa growers association and was organized by R.A. Moore and others.

Legislative grant to Wisconsin Experiment Association raised to $3,000.

UW Agricultural Research Station established at Ashland with a donation of 160 acres by Bayfield County Board.
1912 First M.S. degree awarded in Agronomy to Larry F. Graber.

A cold-resistant "Golden Glow" (Wisconsin No. 12) corn variety was released.

Ernest Luther hired as first County Agricultural Agent in Wisconsin.

UW Agricultural Research Station established at Marshfield with a donation of 40 acres of land by Wood County and City of Marshfield.

1913   Wisconsin Legislature establishes State Soil Laboratory.
1914 Beginning of selection work for a corn adapted to Wisconsin's cold climatic conditions using Golden Glow corn.

A seed inspection program was started in conjunction with field inspections. A Purebred Seed Inspected tag was placed on the seed containers indicating the seed had been inspected and passed.

Participated in the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco.The Wisconsin Agricultural display was 106 feet long and 34 feet high.

U.S. Congress enacts the Smith-Lever Act, which establishes a federally coordinated Cooperative Extension Service at each land grant university. This legislation formalizes the threefold missions of teaching, research and extension.
1915 A. H. Wright appointed to Agronomy Staff. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture was organized as a regulatory agency and Mr. C.P. Norgard, formerly a member of the Agronomy staff was appointed first commissioner.
1916   Hancock Agricultural Research Station established.
1917 The Hemp Order was formed at Ripon on October 18.

A cold-resistant Golden Glow corn variety was released.

E. D. Holden was named Assist. to Secretary R. A. Moore.

1918 Fall growth test developed by L.F. Graber to distinguish cold-hardy "Grimm" alfalfa from Common.

Release of "White Cross" oat

H. W. Albertz named Assistant to R. A. Moore when E. D. Holden entered Military service.

 Department began work in Sorghum production started with seed distribution of out of state variety.

Release of "Wisconsin Pedigree 2 winter wheat" 

1919 George M. ("Soybean") Briggs hired as department's first extension agronomist.

R.A. Moore presented a proposed constitution for the organization of a national crop improvement organization on Dec. 2 in Chicago. It was proposed that it be international rather than national permitting Canada to become a member, resulting in the formation of the International Crop Improvement Association now called the Association of Official Seed Certification Agencies.

Release of "Spooner" oat.

Release of "Forward" oat.

E. D. Holden re-appointed Ass't. Secretary upon return from Military.  Albertz resigns.

First International Hay and Grain show held in conjunction with International Livestock show in Chicago.  Wis. Exhibitors won $1,300 of the $10,000 premium offered.

Congress passed the 18th amendment and the Volstead Act marking the beginning of Prohibition.
1920 Development of the corn drier for the Wisconsin farm by A.H. Wright and F. Duffie.

R.A. Moore was President of the International Crop Improvement Association.

Sorghum Order formed on March 20 in Agronomy building.A. H. Wright elected Secretary, sorghum variety purification was begun.

Corrugated roller-seeder was developed by G.W. Briggs and A.R. Alberts for sandy soils.

Two million corn acres harvested in Wisconsin.
1921 Beginning of canning pea improvement work by E.J. Delwiche.

Cutting management and carbohydrate reserve studies on alfalfa made by L.F. Graber.

Soybean Order was established and Geo. Briggs was elected secretary.

Release of "Progress" spring wheat.

Legislature appropriation to the Wisconsin Experiment Association increased to $5,000.

1922   The Peninsular Agricultural Research Station started when University purchased land in Door county.

U.S. farmers first purchase hybrid seed corn created by crossbreeding two corn plants. Hybrid corn accounts for a 60% increase in U.S. corn production between 1930 and 1985.

1923 Work on silage cutters for corn by F. Duffie that was the beginning of harvesting corn as silage.

First Ph.D. degrees awarded in Agronomy to Chas Earnest Miller and Govan N. Stroman with R.A. Moore as Major Proffessor.

R.A. Brink initiated a corn breeding program involving the development of corn inbred lines and later crossing them to produce hybrids.

Release of "Ashkof" winter wheat

1924 Experiment Association adopts International Crop Improvement Classes of certified seed, Elite (Foundation), Registered and Certified.
1925 Development of pasture renovation procedure by L.F. Graber.

P.H. Senn appointed as first graduate research assistant in corn breeding program.

The bacterial wilt disease of alfalfa was discovered and identified by F.R. Jones USDA and Plant Pathology.

1927 N.P. Neal, hired in 1927, assumed leadership of the corn breeding program continuing until his retirement in 1967.  
1928   P.E. Hoppe, USDA Corn Pathologist began work on corn diseases. He developed techniques for evaluating inbred lines for diseases and cold testing seed.

Alfalfa breeding work begun by R.A. Brink that culminated in the release of "Vernal" alfalfa in 1953.

Release of "Pedigree 38" barley. Also known as "Pedigree 37" and "Wisconsin Barbless"  

Seed Council of Wisconsin was organized on February 21.

1930 L.F. Graber becomes first Agronomy faculty member with a PhD. Before hybrids about 60% of Wisconsin's corn acreage was used for silage production and only about 40% was for grain . Within a few years these percentages were reversed largely due to increases in grain production in the northern half of the state.

Development of forage field-chopper by F. Duffie in Ag Engineering.

"Golden Glow" makes-up 50% of corn acreage in Wisconsin.


First Wisconsin field-scale hybrid seed corn produced in a small plot on the University Hill farm.

Moore Hall (Agronomy building) dedicated.

1932 First hybrid seed corn produced on Hill farm and then distributed to interested farmers, short-course students and county agents in 5-lb. lots. Beginning of breeding work for low coumarin sweetclover by W.K. Smith and R. A. Brink, which led to discovery by K.P. Link, Biochemistry, in 1941 that coumarin was a strong anticoagulant and eventually used for blood clot prevention in human medicine.
1933 First commercial seed production of UW hybrids. Congress passed the 21st Amendment and Cullen-Harrison Bill, which made it legal once again to produce and sell 3.2 beer.
1934 Release of "Sturgeon" spring wheat. Edwin Blaney, Carl Enge, Emil Mueller Sr. and Spangler Brothers began producing seed corn.
1935 F.V. Burcalow becomes first forage extension specialist.

H.L. Ahlgren begins pasture studies.

1936 Sweet corn breeding program begun by N.P. Neal.

H.L. Shands hired as cereal breeder.

E. D. Holden appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the Experiment Association upon the retirement of R. A. Moore on February 16.

One million acres of alfalfa in Wisconsin.
1937   200 growers producing corn hybrid seed for WI farmers.
1938 Agronomists initiate studies on malt quality with emphasis on physiology of malting. Vicious oat crown rust outbreak.

Hybrid seed corn was planted on 90 percent of Wisconsin corn acres.

1939 Agronomists, soil scientists and economists cooperate in conducting "whole-farm test demonstration" projects on efficient use of lime and fertilizer.

First very early corn hybrid (85 d RM) developed and released by A.M. Strommen at Spooner.

Fred Tinney lost at sea returning from genetics conference on the "Athenia" from Scotland.

1940 J.H. Torrie hired as red clover and soybean breeder.

E.L. Nielsen begins work on grass cytology.

A. H. Wright appointed Supervisor of "Seed Corn Certification" as a College position on May 20th by the Association.

433 growers producing corn hybrid seed for WI farmers.

More than half of WI farmers seeding corn hybrids.

1941 First improved oat variety released, "Vicland", with resistance to rust and smut (H.L. Shands and others).

Experiment Association established restricted classes of certified seed.Only the first generation seed produced from Foundation Seed was eligible for  the Certified Class of seed-August 12.  Registered class of seed was discontinued.

Vicious oat crown rust outbreak.

Hybrid seed corn was planted on 90 percent of Wisconsin corn acres.

1942 Early corn hybrids (80 d RM) developed and released by A.M. Strommen at Spooner.

A. H. Wright was placed in charge of all Seed Certification.

1943 K.P. Buchholtz hired as weed scientist.

Dale Smith hired to study legume and grass physiology.

1944 Release of "Blackhawk" winter wheat.

Release of "Henry" spring wheat.


Researchers determine that DNA, present in the nucleus or center of every cell, is the substance responsible for the transmission of hereditary information.
1945   Record oat acreage - 2.99 million acres in Wisconsin.

WI farmers seeding hybrid corn on 89% of planted acres.

1946 R.H. Andrew assumed responsibility of the sweet corn breeding program.

"Forvic" oat released by H.L. Shands.

First Wisconsin Grassland Field Day begun by Vic Burczlow.

K.P. Buchholtz began intensive weed studies, especially on control of quackgrass in corn.

1947 Rueben James was appointed Foundation Seed Stock Manager, April 1.  

" barley

McClintock discovers "jumping genes" in corn.
1948 Release of "Moore" barley.

Alfalfa seed studies begun by John Medlar.

Norman Neal and A.H. Wright honored by Wisconsin farmers and seed growers for their studies with corn. Each received a new Chevrolet car.

1949 Construction of USDA-ARS Barley and Malt Laboratory.  
1950 First experimental data that showed that significant genetic shifts can occur during the seed increase of alfalfa. Half of corn acres planted using "check" method at plant populations of 8,000 to 14,000 plants/acre.

WI farmers seeding hybrid corn on 100% of planted acres.

Hay crusher developed to help reduce moisture content of fresh-cut forage.

1951 "Branch" oat released.

D.C. Smith released first low-prussic acid sudangrass, "Piper".

L.F. Graber honored by Wisconsin farmers and other friends for his work with forages and pastures. An oil portrait of Graber was presented to the University. The salad at the banquet was the young leaflets of ladino clover.

Two million acres of alfalfa in Wisconsin.
1952 UW-Extension launched the "Pacemakers Corn Club" to work individually with farmers to boost yields to at least 100 bu/A.

Three-cut alfalfa management system developed by Dale Smith and F.V. Burcalow.

Soil scientists and agricultural engineers plant corn without plowing.
1953 Release of corn inbred W153R.

"Vernal" alfalfa released by R.A. Brink and L.F. Graber. Variety served as foundation for development of winter-hardy, high-yielding, and disease resistant commercial varieties.

"Lakeland" red clover released - one of the first cultivars developed through breeding and selection.

Release of "Adams" winter rye.

James Watson and Francis Crick discover the genetic code for life (the double helix structure of DNA), for which they receive the Nobel Prize in 1962.
1954 Release of corn inbred W64A which eventually became one of the most widely used inbreds for producing corn hybrids.

"Sauk" oat released.

Don R. Peterson hired as department's first weed extension specialist.

First Farm Progress Days held.
1955   Arlington Agricultural Research Station established.

Art Peterson began wide-row corn interseeded with alfalfa experiments

1956 552 participants in the Pacemaker Corn Club. Average yield of club members exceeded 100 bu/A in five of six years.

"Beedee" and "Fayette" oat released by H.L. Shands.

Release of "Fox" barley.

Release of "Racine" winter wheat.

Release of "Russell" spring wheat.

Rueben James was appointed Supervisor of Seed Certification, upon retirement of A. H. Wright on December 31.

Name of the Wisconsin Experiment Association changed to Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association.-December.

Sweet corn produced on more than 100,000 acres in Wisconsin.
1958 Studies on corn and soybean physiology begun by B.G. Johnson.  
1959 "Goodfield" oat released.

Release of "Lakeland" medium red clover, a winter-hardy and disease tolerant variety, by W.K. Smith.

The Corn "Bag to Bin" program was developed which was an interdepartmental Extension corn program.

1960 "Portage" oat released.

Bromgrass and timothy found not to be compatible with 3-cut alfalfa.

Studies on the life history and physiology of birdsfoot trefoil were begun.

R.G.D. Steel and J.H. Torrie publish book on the "Principles and Procedures of Statistics."

Textbook on "Forage Management" published by Dale Smith.

Bulletin 542 first released on establishing and managing alfalfa. Over 45,000 copies eventually distributed. Translated into Japanese.

Only 15% of corn check planted.
1961 "Dodge" oat released.

First-flower cutting systems developed for alfalfa by Dale Smith.

Release of "Lathrop" spring wheat.

1962 "Garland" oat released.

"Sac" smooth bromegrass released by E.L. Nielsen, D.C. Smith and P.N. Drolsom, USDA-ARS cooperating.

E. A. Brickbauer was named Secretary-Treasurer of the Association upon the death of E. D. Holden in August.

First studies in the U.S. started on fructans in forage grasses.

"Superior" potato variety developed Gus Riemar.
1963 Release of corn inbred W117.

"Lodi" oat released.

1966   First Extension Pesticide Coordinator appointed, Dr. Ellsworth H. Fisher.
1967 "Holden" and "Portal" oat released.

Extension corn production information included marketing information such as corn grades, grain storage problems, forward contracts, etc.

Wisconsin becomes a surplus grain state.   Prior to this year Wisconsin had to import grain to feed the livestock in addition to it's own grain production.
1968 "Verdant" timothy released by E.L. Nielsen and P.N. Drolsom, USDA-ARS cooperating.

Release of "Kenosha" winter wheat.

Wisconsin became a surplus corn state with a 3 million bushel surplus resulting in corn exports.

1969 Widely used method to analyze plant tissues for total nonstructural carbohydrates published by Dale Smith. First haploids of alfalfa developed opening the way to diploid genetic research.
1970 "Froker" oat released.

USDA Oat Quality Laboratory established.

Dry bean trials were conducted in Northwestern Wisconsin evaluating varieties and cultural practices.

Grain Marketing committee was established to develop informational material producing corn for cash market.

Release of "Coloma" winter rye.

Norman Borlaug becomes the first plant breeder to win the Nobel Prize for his work on Green Revolution wheat varieties (high yield).

On December 24, the Federal, "Plant Variety Protection Act" was signed by President Nixon.

1971 Fertilzer depth placement studies show alfalfa is a surface soil feeder (L.A. Peterson and Dale Smith).

Release of "Burk" barley.

Three million acres of alfalfa in Wisconsin.
1972 Public soybean variety trials initiated by E.S. Oplinger

"Dal" oat released with high protein trait by H.L. Shands. Application made through "Variety Protection" program.

A "Research Fee" program was established by the Department of Agronomy on U. S. Protected small grain Varieties and the fee was to be collected by the Dept.

1973 Public corn hybrid grain trials initiated by E.A. Brickbauer.

"Arlington" red clover is released.

A Grain Handlers Conference was held and 72 grain buyers and handlers participated. 40% of Wisconsin corn moved into the cash grain market.

Crop Improvement assumed the responsibility of collecting the "Research Fee" on Certified protected varieties for the Department and the Breeder.

Wisconsin Soybean Association founded.

Scientists Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer successfully move a gene - specific piece of DNA - from one organism to another, significantly advancing the progress in the technology.

1974 "Goodland" oat released.

The relative feed value (RFV) concept of forage quality was developed by D. Rohweder, et al.

Seed Certification management transferred to a Crop Improvement employee, Gene Amberson, upon the retirement of Rueben James.

Wisconsin Corn Growers Association founded.
1975 "Wright" oat released.

Public alfalfa variety tests initiated by D. Rohweder, currently the largest trial in North America.

Wisconsin Corn Growers Association formed, E. A. Brickbauer elected Secretary-Treasurer.
1976 First pesticide applicator training session held.

"Argee" winter wheat released.

"Regen - S" alfalfa released that underpins all transformation and genetic engineering of alfalfa.

Insects introduced by R. Fawcett to control musk thistle.

The book "Mister Alfalfa", an autobiography, by L.F. Graber was released (printed by Elaine-Madison Corp., distributed by GRA-MAR, 521 pp.).

1977 Release of "Argee" winter wheat. State average corn yield surpasses 100 bu/A
1978 Pest Management newsletter initiated. Three million corn acres harvested
1979 "Marathon" oat released.

"Hancock" winter rye released.

1980 Dwayne Rohweder along with Wisconsin Forage Council and UWEX purchased first Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy. NIRS measures feed value of forages. Technology improves dairy cattle rations and marketing of forage through graded hat auctions.

Release of "Hancock" winter rye.

Wisconsin Grain Dealers Association was organized with Department assistance.
1981 First Quality Tested Hay Auction held in Sauk County.

Product Development Program was begun with the Association by granting exclusive release of a Supersweet  sweet corn hybrid-"Natural Sweet" and four green pea lines.

1982 "Frontier" peas were released by Earl Gritton.

Quality Tested Hay Auction program begun.

Wisconsin corn check-off passed.

The first commercial application of biotechnology is used to develop human insulin.

1983 "Centennial" oat released.

Plant Science Facility dedicated (Agronomy and Horticulture).

Wisconsin soybean check-off passed.

The first plants are produced using new biotechnology methods.

1984 "Charmany" winter wheat released.  
1985 NIRS analyses of "scissors cut" alfalfa hay by D. Rohweder gave farmers an idea of alfalfa quality before harvesting first crop.  
1986 "Marathon" red clover is released. Improved traits include persistence and yield. Herbicide resistant soybeans are created through agricultural biotechnology.
1987 PEPS "Profits through Efficient Production Systems" was initiated by E.S. Oplinger and P.R. Carter to assist farmers with the economics of grain production.

Genetic engineering experiments begun on alfalfa to change plant into "biochemical factory" to produce industrial enzymes, especially for paper pulping industry.

"Marathon" red clover released - used for three year management cycles.

An Exclusive release program of small grain varieties to the Crop Improvement Association was established, Ensiler (released in 1990) was the first variety given an exclusive release.

1988 Transfer of arcelin trait from wild bean plants to commercial varieties to control naturally destructive bean weevil storage pest.

"Chopper" barley released.

"Merrimac" winter wheat released.

1989 "Horicon" oat released.  
1990 "Ensiler" and "Dane" oat released.

"Chilton" barley released.

"Badger" smooth bromegrass released.

Atrazine groundwater studies initiated with Soils.

Genetically engineered rhizobia released that increased N2-fixation.

Weed ecology studies initiated.

"Badger" smooth bromegrass released.

"Snowden" potato released by Stan Peloquin.

The first food product modified by biotech - an enzyme used in cheese making - is approved for use in the U.S.

1991 "Glacier" winter wheat released.

Initiated rotational grazing research.

"Alpha" smooth bromegrass released.

Development of PEAQ by K. Albrecht et al., a technique that allows farmers to estimate alfalfa fiber levels

Atrazine Rule began.
1992 "Prairie" oat released.

First weed control research studies using glyphosate resistant soybean at Arlington ARS.

Herbicide resistant grass weeds identified in Wisconsin.

Canola molecular breeding program initiated.

Release of "Glacier" winter wheat.

"Spooner" winter rye released.

Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association Secretary-Treasurer position was moved out of the Department, John Jung, a seed producer was elected upon the retirement of   E. A. Brickbauer.

FDA concludes that foods enhanced through biotechnology, as a class, should be regulated in the same fashion as those developed through traditional methods.
1993 "Bay" oats released.

"Spooner" winter rye released.

1994 Crop Manager newsletter initiated. The first food product enhanced through biotechnology hits supermarket shelves. The FLAVR SAVRâ„¢ tomato is developed to be more flavorful than other tomatoes.
1995 "Belle" oats released.

Corn molecular biology program initiated.

Public corn hybrid silage performance evaluation program initiated by J.G. Lauer.

The first soybean developed through biotechnology is introduced.
1996 "Gem" oats released.

"Columbia 2000" alfalfa released.

"Albert" orchardgrass released.

Oat molecular biology program initiated.

1997 "Kewaunee" barley released.

"Spring Green" festulolium released.

Department website developed (http://agronomy.wisc.edu/).

U.S. government fully approves 18 crop applications of biotechnology.
1998 Total of 145,000 pesticide applicators were certified or recertified.

D.C. Smith greenhouses dedicated.

One million soybean acres harvested
1999 "Vista" oat released. Vernal alfalfa and its derivatives now in pedigree of over 600 varieties.

Researchers announce the development of "golden rice" that is rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, to help prevent childhood blindness in developing countries.

2001 Release of "Forage Plus" oat

Release of "Moraine" oat

2002 Release of "Wisconsin Quality Synthetic C2"  

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