Originally written February 1, 2006 | Last updated
Techniques for Diagnosing Field Crop Problems
Because a single symptom may result from different causes, it is often a good idea
to collect as much information as possible about the field before attempting diagnosis.
This includes:
- soil map of field
- cultivar planted
- tillage practices
- crops grown in the last 3 years
- weather conditions while the plants have been growing
- date of planting
- pesticides used: date, rate and method of fertilizer application
- For some problems, in-field tests are available to confirm diagnosis
- Portable pH meters
- Nitrate meter
- SPAD meter
- Soil penetrometer
- Plant tissue test
- GMO detection
Some growing seasons have considerable cool and wet conditions resulting
in corn plants showing various shades of yellowing and interveinal leaf
stripping. What may be the cause?
- Cold temperatures. Not uncommon with early planting. Entire small
plants can show lack of green color.mmon with early planting. Entire small
plants can show lack of green color.lack of green color.mmon with early planting. Entire small
plants can show lack of green color.
- Wet soils. Corn roots need aerated soil for metabolic processes and
nutrient uptake. Entire plants can show yellowing and many different
symptoms, including phosphorus deficiency.
- Slow soil organic matter mineralization. With cold temperatures,
microbial conversion of organic nitrogen (N) compounds to inorganic N
(ammonium and nitrate) is slow. If the corn plants are dependent on that
source of plant available N, then plants could show N stress. Entire
plants can show yellowing.
- Sulfur (S) deficiency. This is related to item 3, that is, slow
organic matter mineralization and lower supply of plant available
sulfate-S (the form of S taken up by plants). Soil organic matter is the
largest reserve of S in most soils, so slow mineralization can limit
available S, especially in the upper soil profile.Classic S deficiency
is the older leaves are green and the new leaves show yellowing and
interveinal striping.
- Continuous corn. In many springs, corn
following corn tends to show more yellowing than corn following soybean,
especially in reduced till and no-till. This is related to many factors,
such as same crop allelopathy and less mineralization (for N and S).
- Potassium deficiency. It typically begins to show on larger plants, about calf to knee high. Symptoms appear first on older leaves, with yellow to brown coloration on the leaf margins.
- Corn hybrid. Some hybrids tend to show interveinal stripping more than other hybrids, and hybrids have different levels of greenness.
Equipment needed for "Trouble-Shooters Toolbox" |
Plastic bags
(gallon and garbage pail sizes)
2-gallon water jug
Gallon pail
Mist bottle
Linoleum knife
Flags and stakes
25' Tape measure
Paper towels
Multi-purpose tool
300' Tape
Marking pens
Dissecting kit
Soil probe
Camera with date stamp
Reference books
Hand lens
Rubber gloves
Troubleshooting Abnormal Corn Ears
The appearance of a corn ear can tell us much about a corn plant's development during the growing season. Ear size and numbers and distribution of kernels on the ear can indicate when the ear experienced stress and the severity of the stress. Ear number, kernel number and kernel weight are determined at six critical stages: at planting and emergence (VE-V4) when the potential number of ears in an acre is at a maximum; when the ear sets the maximum number of kernel rows (V5-V6); when the ear sets the maximum number of kernels along length of the ear (V15-VT); when the maximum number of ovules are pollinated to form developing embryos (R1-R2); when the maximum number of kernels is determined (R4-R5); and when the maximum kernel size is established (R5-R6).
Abnormal ear development has multiple causes – environmental stresses, pests, cultural practices. Combined with information on field history, knowledge of ear and kernel anomalies can be an effective diagnostic tool in troubleshooting corn production problems. A corn ear's response to a particular stress may be so unique that it can specify the stress condition involved. An ear abnormality may also be associated with more than one cause. Moreover, ears may often exhibit injury symptoms in response to more than one stress. Understanding how corn ears respond to stress can help determine the nature of the stress, when it occurred, and how it might be managed or avoided in the future.
See "Troubleshooting Abnormal Corn Ears" at
Subsoiling is warranted only when well-defined, compacted soil layers are 4 inches
or more deep hen well-defined, compacted soil layers are 4 inches
or more deep deep hen well-defined, compacted soil layers are 4 inches
or more deep. Compaction might suspected when a significant number of roots have grown sideways
before finding a crack in the soil and growing down again.
before finding a crack in the soil and growing down again.
At the field look for:
- Patterns of the symptoms across the field - Does damage appear to follow a planter,
sprayer, tillage, fertilizer, or spray drift pattern?
- Look closely at the symptoms on the vegetation
- Check to see if the root system is abnormal or injured
Fertilizer Nutrients
Mobile nutrients known to cause deficiencies in corn include nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and magnesium. Below is a rundown of what
these nutrient deficiencies typically look like:
Nitrogen (N) deficiency makes older leaves (the bottom
portion of the corn plant) turn pale or yellowish-green. The deficiency
then creates a V-shape, starting at the tip of the leaf. If the problem
continues, the deficiency works its way up the plant from older to newer
leaves. Nitrogen deficient corn stalks tend to be thin and spindly.
Phosphorus (P) deficiency causes a distinct dark green
with reddish to purplish leaf margins, typically starting from the tip.
The deficiency is observed in the older leaves. Stunted growth is also
typical. At early development stages, cool weather can lead to poor P
uptake and purple leaves due to slow root development. Since P is fairly
immobile in the soil, any soil condition that limits root growth (cool
temperature, wet or very dry conditions, compaction) can induce the
deficiency. Phosphorus deficiency symptoms normally disappear by the
time the plant is knee-high.
Potassium (K) deficiency leads to yellowing and
necrosis (death) of the edge of older leaves. When the problem persists,
this deficiency will continue to move up from older to newer leaves,
while the top leaves may look completely green. Potassium is critical to
strong stalk development, and K deficiency can cause lodging of the crop
later in the season.
Sulfur (S) deficiency causes general yellowing of the
foliage. Sulfur deficiency is often confused with N deficiency. Since S
is not easily translocated, deficiency tends to be more visible in the
newer leaves. It is not uncommon to see interveinal chlorosis of the
newer leaves. The symptoms are typically seen in soils with low organic
matter, low pH, and cold, wet conditions that reduce mineralization of
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency appears as yellow or white
streaking between veins of the lower leaves. The leaves eventually
become reddish-purple, and the edge and tip die if the deficiency is
severe. Acidic and sandy soils are most likely to be deficient in Mg.
Stress Situations
- Winter-Kill
- Chemical Injury
- Frost
- Hail
- Drought
Special Crop Problems
- Bloat
- Nitrate poisoning
- Prussic Acid
- Toxicities
- Mycotoxins
Limits of Mycotoxins (Fumonsin, DON and T2) on a dry matter basis. Action levels
established by FDA (BLS lowest level of detection (LLOD) = 0.2 PPM and level
of quantification = 1.0 PPM)
- Equine / Rabbits = Corn, 5 ppm (not to exceed 20% of diet)
- Swine = Corn, 20 ppm (not to exceed 50% of diet)
- Breeding Ruminants/ Breeding Poultry (Includes lactating dairy cattle and hens laying
eggs for human consumption) = Corn, 30 ppm (not to exceed 50% of diet)
- Ruminants >3 months of age being fed for slaughter = Corn, 60 ppm (not to exceed
50% of diet)
- Poultry for slaughter = Corn, 100 ppm (not to exceed 50% of diet)
- Other species and pets = Corn, 10 ppm (not to exceed 50% of diet)
DON (Vomitoxin) FDA advisory (LLOD = 0.1 PPM and level of quantification = 0.25
- Swine and pet foods Corn,
4 ppm (not to exceed 10% of diet)
- Cattle
Corn, 4 ppm (not to exceed 50% of diet)
T2 toxin No established limits from FDA. These are levels of concern (Level
of quantification = 25.00 PPB)
- Cattle (Includes lactating dairy cattle) = 500 ppb in total ration
- Breeding swine = 300 ppb in total ration
- Young swine = 100 ppb in total ration
- Older feeder swine = 300 ppb in total ration
Aflatoxin LLOD = 2.0 PPB and level of quantification = 5.0 PPB
Wisconsin Source for In-Season Information and Troubleshooting
Corn Growth Problems
General categories
Poor emergence or reduced plant population
- soil crusting
- insect damage
- disease
- dry soils
- soils saturated with water for several days
- salt injury from fertilizer
- ammonia damage
- rodents
- herbicide damage
- poor quality seed
- planting too deep
Chlorosis: yellowing of plants across the entire leaf surface or between the veins
- nitrogen deficiency
- potassium deficiency
- sulfur deficiency
- zinc deficiency
- manganese deficiency
- iron deficiency
- cold soils
- cold air temperature
- herbicide injury
- diseases
- insects
Necrosis: spots or streaks of dead tissue
- fertilizer spray injury
- herbicide spray injury
- disease
- wind damage
- hail damage
- insects
- nitrogen deficiency
- potassium deficiency
Holes in leaf and stalk tissue, or plant tissue consumed
- insect feeding
- hail or wind damage
Buggy whip or onion leaf: failure of leaf tissue to unfurl from the whorl
- calcium deficiency
- biuret injury
- boron toxicity
- herbicide damage
- disease
Purple leaves: indicates accumulation of sugars in the tissue. Most often sugars
accumulate due to problems with roots
- phosphorous deficiency
- zinc deficiency
- magnesium deficiency
- cold soils
- dry soils
- excessively wet soils
- insect damage
- mechanical root pruning
- herbicide damage
- disease
- strong wind
- insect or herbicide damage to roots
- high plant populations
- nutrient deficiencies
- insect damage to stalks
Injury to ears
Weather related problems
- soil crusting
- poor seedling color
- frost injury
- dry weather
- heat daflooding
Herbicide injury symptoms
Diagnosing Herbicide Injured
- Acetamide and thiocarbamate injurybicide injury symptoms
- Acetamide and thiocarbamate injury
- Carfentrazone injury
- Bentazon, bromoxynil, paraquat, and pyridate injury
- Chlorimuron, chlorosulfuron, cloransulam, flumetsulam, halosulfuron, imazamox, imazaquin,
imazethapyr, nicosulfuron, primisulfuron, prosulfuron, and rimsulfuron+thifensulfuron
- Clethodim, diclofop, fenoxoprop, fluazifop, quizalofop, and sethoxydim injury
- Clomazone injury
- Dinitroaniline injury
- Glyphosate and glufosinate injury
- Triazine injury
- 2,4-D, clopyralid and dicamba injury
- Soil decay and seedling blight
- Root rots
- Nematodes
- Leaf diseases
- Northern leaf blight
- Southern leaf blight
- Helmintosporium leaf spot
- Anthracnose leaf blight
- Gray leaf spot
- Eyespot
- Common rust
- Southern rust
- Stewart's disease
- Goss' Bacterial wilt
- Holcus leaf spot
- Common smut
- Head smut
- Crazy Top
- Maize dwarf mosaic
- Stalk rots
- Antrhacnose stalk rot
- Diplodia stalk rot
- Fusarium stalk rot
- Gibberella stalk rot
- Charcoal rot
- Ear and kernel rots
- Fusarium ear and kernel rot
- Gibberella ear rot
- Diplosia ear rot
- Aspergillus ear and kernel rot
Nutrient deficiency and toxicity symptoms
- Nitrogen deficiency
- Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency appear first as a light green
coloring of the plant.
- As the deficiency becomes more severe, lower leaves turn yellow
and may 'fire'.
- The yellowing starts at the midrib of the leaf with the leaf
edge remaining green.
- Phosphorous deficiency
- Potassium deficiency
- Calcium deficiency
- Magnesium deficiency
- Sulfur deficiency
- Boron deficiency
- Chloride deficiency
- Copper deficiency
- Iron deficiency
- Manganese deficiency
- Zinc deficiency
- Salt effect (fertilizer burn)
- Salt injury (foliar burn)
- Anhydrous ammonia toxicity (preplant)
- Anhydrous ammonia "leaf burn"
- Biuret damage
- Livestock waste
- Air pollution injury
Insect Injury
Early Season Injury: Planting to Early Whorl
- Injury to planted seeds
- Seedcorn maggots
- Seedcorn beetles
- Wireworms
- Injury to roots
- Grape colapsis
- White grubs
- Garden symphylans
Key References
Uneven Emergence in Corn North Central Region
Scouting Corn--A Guide for Wisconsin Corn Production UWEX Bulletin A3547
Assessing Hail Damage to Corn National Corn Handbook
- 1
Utilizing Drought-Damaged Corn National Corn Handbook
- 58