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2011 Weather Update for Arlington and Marshfield (updated October 31, 2011)

Corn Silage Yield and Quality Changes Over Time
December 2011   Field Crops 28.31 - 92

Is Tillage Necessary in a Corn-Soybean Rotation?
December 2011   Field Crops 28.411 - 91

2011 Wisconsin Corn Hybrid Performance and Weather Summary
December 2011   Field Crops 28.0-90

New features in the report on Wisconsin Corn Hybrid Performance Trials
Posted November 30, 2011

Some new features were added to the 2011 report on Wisconsin corn hybrid trials. In Table 2, transgenic traits are described by the technology brand of the developing company with traits listed after the technology brand. Specific transgenic events of the technologies are listed in Table 3. The year that these technologies were first introduced into the UW corn trials is listed along with the number of hybrids that were tested for each technology in 2011. For example, 96 hybrids were tested with the Agrisure® 3000GT technology ...

University of Wisconsin Crop Variety and Hybrid Trial Results
Posted November 30, 2011

Results from the 2011 crop variety trials conducted by the University of Wisconsin can be found at the websites below. These trials are a "consumer report" of commercial varieties and hybrids offered for sale to farmers in Wisconsin. These results are derived from replicated plots grown around Wisconsin at university research stations and farmer fields.

2011 Wisconsin Corn Hybrid Performance Trial Results
2011 Wisconsin Soybean Variety Test Results
2011 Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin
2012 Wisconsin Oats and Barley performance tests
2011 Wisconsin Winter Wheat performance tests

These results offer the best predictor for next year's potential performance of crop varieties.

Grain - Silage - Specialty - Organic

December 2011  A3653

Every year, the University of Wisconsin Extension-Madison and College of Agricultural and Life Sciences conduct a corn evaluation program, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association. The purpose of this program is to provide unbiased performance comparisons of hybrid seed corn available in Wisconsin . These trials evaluate corn hybrids for both grain and silage production performance. In 2011, grain and silage performance trials were planted at thirteen locations … more

Handling immature corn after an early frost
Posted to Corn Agronomy Blog on September 15, 2011

For many corn growers, the 2011 growing season came to an end last night over much of northern Wisconsin. Corn in many areas had not reached physiological maturity and was killed prematurely. Corn is killed when temperatures are near 32 F for a few hours, and when temperatures are near 28 F for a few minutes. A damaging frost can occur when temperatures are slightly above 32 F and conditions are optimum for rapid heat loss from the leaves to the atmosphere, i.e. clear skies, low humidity, no wind. At temperatures between 32 to 40 F, damage may be quite variable and strongly influenced by small variations in slope or terrain that affect air drainage and thermal radiation, creating small frost pockets. Field edges, low lying areas, and the top leaves on the plant are at greatest risk. Greener corn has more frost resistance than yellowing corn. Symptoms of frost damage will start to show up about 1 to 2 days after a frost. Frost symptoms are water soaked leaves that eventually turn brown. Because it is difficult to distinguish living from dead tissue immediately after a frost event, the assessment should be delayed 5 to 7 days. For fields that only had light frost damage, it is too early to harvest. Growing conditions may improve during September allowing the crop to mature and produce reasonable grain and silage yields. For fields that were harder hit by frost, farmers will need to manage frost damaged corn silage and grain. For some useful guidelines click here.

Selecting corn silage hybrids
Field Crops 28.5-89
Presented at the Clark County Forage Council Field Day on September 13, 2011

Corn is a versatile crop that can be planted from early to late spring. In the fall, producers have the option of harvesting corn for either silage or grain. Corn silage is an important source of forage, especially in the northern Corn Belt of the U.S. Corn can produce high dry matter yields with one harvest. Corn is a good crop to recycle nutrients from manure and maintain water quality... more ...

Maximizing corn grain and forage yields: How high can we go and How do we get there?
Field Crops 28.47-88
Presented at the Manitowoc County Forage Council Field Day on September 1, 2011
Presented at the Chippewa/Eau Claire County Field Day on September 12, 2011

Corn growers need to set a realistic corn yield goal in order to make sound decisions on hybrid, seeding rate, fertilizer application, and irrigation. The goal should be the most profitable yield that can be expected for a particular set of soil, climate, and management practices. The yield potential is the maximum production of a crop cultivar that can be achieved in a given environment. To achieve the yield potential, the crop must receive optimum levels of water and nutrients and be completely protected against weeds, pests, diseases, and other factors that may reduce growth. Growth-limiting factors such as water and nutrients determine the actual yield. Yield potential is reduced by insufficient nutrients, water supply, diseases, insects, weeds, lodging, or poor soil physical traits and quality. Maximum yields obtained in corn yield contests are reasonable estimates of yield potential because corn is grown in these plots at high density and nutrient supply, and full weed and pest control... more ...

Corn Yield Estimates and their Predictive Value: The Art and Science of Estimating Yield
Field Crops 28.47-87
Presented at the Fond du Lac County Field Day on August 30, 2011
Presented at the Arlington ARS Field Day on August 31, 2011

Predicting corn yields can be challenging, but there are a number of management reasons to do this carefully. Yield estimates affect individual business decisions by helping producers develop marketing plans for their operations, determining what to produce and how and when to sell it. Estimates enable the industry to forecast transportation and storage requirements and evaluate export potential. USDA agencies use yield estimates to determine crop insurance and disaster aid payments along with other program benefits. Finally, farm organizations use the information to help form their policy positions. A consequence of yield estimates is that they can often impact markets... more ...

Yield Response of Flattened (Lodged) Corn
July 11, 2011  Field Crops 28.49 - 86

Last night, July 11, a storm rolled through southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois causing corn to flatten (lodge) in the field. Lodged corn can be seen in a 30-50 mile east-west swath from Grant County to well into Walworth County.  It is unclear yet, as to whether entire stalks lodged or whether stalk breakage (greensnap) has occurred. Most likely it is stalk lodging. All hybrids (conventional and transgenic seem to be affected equally). Most plants did not have brace roots yet. We will review yield data for both situations... more ...

Even with High Corn Prices, Production Efficiency is Key to Profitability
July 8, 2011  Field Crops 28.9 - 85  
2011 PEPS Entry Form

For many years, the question most asked by corn farmers has been, "How do I save a buck?" During the last three years the question has changed to, "How do I grow another bushel?" Growers are thinking creatively about ways to increase yields through new, innovative production techniques. The PEPS program provides an outstanding way to compare the economics and efficiency of your cropping system to others. It is an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, technical insight and demonstrate your farming skills for conserving resources and improving water quality. The 2010 most efficient farmers in the PEPS program are shown in Table 1... more ...
2011 PEPS Entry Form

Given The Weather So Far, What Could Happen To Corn Yields?
June 3, 2011 Field Crops 10.3 - 84

I often get the question, "So given the weather we have had so far, what will corn yields be like?" Unfortunately, my crystal ball is no better than anyone else's. In 2011, corn planted progress has been slower than average. There is some concern that yields have been compromised due to delayed planting. Can the corn crop recover? In similar previous years what has been the corn crop response? Since 1979, USDA-NASS has been collecting data on crop progress during the growing season. By correlating crop progress with final yield we might be able to predict some trends... more ...

Corn Hybrid Relative Maturity Switch Dates for 2011
May 12, 2011  Field Crops Field Crops 28.42 - 83

With the cool wet spring we have had so far in 2011, planting corn in northeast Wisconsin has been delayed. In general, if all corn in Wisconsin could be planted on one day, that optimum date would be May 1 in the south and May 7 in the north. Once corn planting is delayed beyond these optimum dates then grain yield decreases AND grain moisture increases in most years. By May 15 corn yield is decreasing 0.5 bu/A per day delay accelerating to 2.5 bu/A per day delay on June 1 (Figure 1).... more ...

2011 Agronomy Update Meetings

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